Saturday, September 20, 2008

Beach Boy

This last week I worked on Tuesday talked to Kalin that night and decided to leave the next morning for her house. I have been wanting to go out there for a while now, try the last year, but never got around to it. So Logan and I hit the road. She lives out in Ventura on Point Mugu Navel Base. It is so pretty out there and the weather is wonderful. It is so weird to me to be on the base though. I could never picture myself living like that, sometimes you have a spouse and home and sometimes you don't. Crazy.
Anyway Kalin and I took Logan down to the beach on Thursday and he loved it. My kid was trying to crawl into the ocean. I think I have a water baby on my hands that has NO fear. So of course I let him play in the sand and eat it. Sadly he likes the taste of sand. mmmm!

This is when we first got there. He was just staring at the water. Oh and we saw a pod of dolphins too!
Naked Butt.
This last one was Kalin's way to keep Logan busy while I was getting ready. This worked until he turned the sink on! Good one Kalin!!! =)

1 comment:

Kalin Spencer said...

I thought it was a great idea...actually, it WAS a great idea. Logan liked it and so did I. Water never hurt anybody. I was just getting him ready for the beach!