Friday, September 11, 2009

Completely Moved!

Tuesday of this week Wes, His parents and myself went to our church to listen to Nick Vujicic speak. Holy Moly! This guy is amazing! I was completely moved by his story, I hope that I will never be the same again.

If you have never heard of him you should Google or YouTube him. He is a 26yo man with no arms and no legs. Life without Limbs is his organization.

Sitting there I realized so much. Especially that we are capable of ANYTHING. It doesn’t matter what disabilities we have or what we DON’T have, it is what we choose to do with what we were given.  We shouldn’t ask God “why?” ….Why didn’t you make me like “that Person” ? because we are ALL made by God with our OWN special qualities. What we do with these qualities is up to us. We can sit and mope or we can make something of ourselves, serve the Lord and live happy.

We we go through rough times we often wonder why it is happening to us but what we need to remember is that the Lord is preparing our hearts! He is strengthening  them for something more. God may not stop the storm but he WILL be there to keep us warm through it.  Wes and I both walked away from hearing Nick speak with a new outlook on life. I am so happy as a family we started a new church and our love is growing daily for our Lord. I wish we would have done this years ago.  My goal now is to live by these words I just wrote. I need to remember daily that I am not alone in my walk. Times may seem tough but we WILL get through them and they are only preparing our hearts for something much more, much greater.

For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a FUTURE.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Jeremiah 29:11

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