Tuesday, August 4, 2009

18 Month old Monster

Logan, Logan, Logan! What can I say, this kid is seriously out of control, stuck in HIS ways and into everything. I really don’t know what I was expecting. I prayed to have an outgoing kid, who wasn’t afraid of anything, I got it and then some!

We just had his 18 month check up last week and the doc said he is more than healthy and very happy.  He is right on mark for all his talking, eating on his own and all that other fun stuff as parents we have to let out kids do, even if it does create a mess.  When it comes to his growth he is still above average in about the 90% tile. 

Logan’s current weight: 28.8Lbs …   Height: 34 inches.  And growing everyday. Our latest issue with him is sleep. This kid has figured he doesn’t need to sleep at night or take naps. He has been in our bed for the last couple weeks anywhere from midnight to three in the morning. When he comes in our bed, it would make it a little better if he actually slept. But this kid has to roll around, make sure his blankie is with him and then finally fall asleep diagonal between Wes and I which means I normally get the feet, in my face, ribs, and stomach. Fun times.. NOT. I have been so tired lately. I am pretty sure this is because he is getting his two year molars in.. very slow, but I do think they are coming. He has also had some gas the last couple nights. I just hope this will all pass soon, so we can get back to having some normal sleep.

All in All I love this kid, more than life itself. I truly can’t image my life without him. Even through his stubbornness he continues to light up my life each and every day ♥





1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But he is so adorable.. You can't help, but laugh and love him..