Sunday, August 16, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

I just wanted to write a little something before I went to bed. If I didn’t do it now, I know it wouldn’t get done.

I had the MOST AMAZING weekend with my family.

I long for weekends like this.

Saturday morning we woke up, got the family ready and drove to Anza to check out the local swap meet! Holy Cow. It was a sight to see. If you don’t know where Anza is… well it is in the middle of nowhere (yes, I too live in the middle of nowhere) but the local folks are a little on the hick/white trashy side. No offense, really! We love those kind of people! I told my dad as we were walking around I would have love to taken a chair and just sat there people watching! After we walked around we went to out breakfast with my parents. Once we got home we walked across the street to my parents house and spent the day there. The kids ran around all day, while my dad, Wes, and I tried to put together their new endless pool. The whole pool thing is a story within it self. We got a lot done, but fear we have a lot more to do. I was the direction reader while the men folk did the hard labor. It's funny when you throw a woman into the mix and if she dare try to add in her two cents or a suggestion is it immediately turned down ( more by my husband than my dad!) After spending ALL day on that darn pool we cleaned up, which meant taking a wash cloths to the kids and giving them a spit bath so we could drive to Iddlywild to get some dinner. When we got home from dinner we put Logan to bed and us “big” kids, Wes, Kohl, and myself, played some WII golf. Can you guess who won? HA!! NOT WES! I finally beat him. I even did my winning dance, which made everyone a tad mad! hehe

This morning Wes was attempting to make us breakfast when Kohl’s mom called and they were trying to figure out when it was best to meet. Well, it just happened to be right then. He took Logan with him so I would have some quiet time to myself. This meant I could clean up the kitchen without any distractions and then I was able to mow the law before he came back too. WOW.. what a good wife I am! Once he got home we once again attempted to finish the pool, key word: ATTEMPTED! It didn’t happen. SO I made my hubby some dinner, we watched some T.V. and just hung out.

I love weekends like theses. I wish we would have made it to church but it just didn’t happen. I am so in love with my family and so blessed to have them in my life. My parents are amazing people. I truly don’t know where I would be without them. They have always been there for me and I can go to them for anything. I love how well Wes and my dad get along. The two of them pair up and become a team, you can’t beat em’!

My husband is so patient (most of the time) I was amazed to sit back and watch him this weekend work on this pool. There were times when my dad I and would read the directions over and over and then stare at the pieces wondering what in the world we were supposed to do with them. Wes would come back, take one look at it all and have it ready in two minutes. You don’t often get to see the “working” side of your spouse. You know they go to work, do and job, and then come home. This weekend I was lucky enough to see him in action and he is awesome!

Then there is my son! How was I so lucky for this little guy to pick me to be his mom? His personality grows more with each day. He has become so independent and is filled with so much energy. He is really testing me right now and loves to pretend he doesn’t hear me when I call his name and say NO! At times it is so hard to discipline him because the stuff he is doing is so darn funny. I think to myself where did he get that from, Or what was he thinking. At times I want to strangle him, but I love him too much!

All I can say is I am truly blessed all around. Life is good. God is great! And I had one amazing weekend with my family!

Oh and another great thing I get to leave in the morning, kid free, to go and visit my friend Kalin in Ventura! AHH I can’t wait! Mom-cation!

Here is a picture of the pool we are trying to put together…. The pool itself was easy. It is getting the motor, pump, heater, and all the fun stuff together we are having the issues with!


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