Saturday, November 29, 2008

Victim # 3, 4, and 5

Yep! That's right.. the big bad flu got us all! I took Kohl home on Wed and he seemed to be doing much better which was great. I on the other hand didn't feel so great. I didn't really worry about it thinking it was just stress from taking care of two sick kids. Wes came home Wed night from work and felt horrible. I made him a pretty bath.. hehe yes, I said pretty. His words were more like " why are you making me a smelly whore bath?!?" But that didn't make him feel any better so he just went to bed. He woke up feeling 10x better and I woke up SICK! Grr. On Thanksgiving. Really? It couldn't have picked a better day? Actually I was supposed to work on Thanksgiving and the day before, but that didn't work out since the FLU decided to take our house hostage and not let go for a week. Wes and I had more like a stomach bug than the full fledged flu, but then it decided to take one more hostage. Someone that doesn't even live in this flu infested house. MY STEP-MOM. AHHH. Today she woke up feeling like poo. And let me tell you that poor woman has the full fledged flu. My dad called me this morning to tell me that she was sick, and also to blame Logan ( sounds familiar... Kohl!) hehe just kidding. (gotcha dad!) Logan and I went over there to help my dad, because they are "yard selling" this weekend, and boy is she sick. I feel horrible.
Seriously I think I am going to do the
Indian go away flu dance. This has got to stop. On top of it all, my boy is still a crawling poop machine. The kid poops more than anyone I know. Today we went back to toast, rice and bananas so I am hoping that will work. I don't know how much more his little butt can take.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and healthy Thanksgiving, and I really hope none of you get this nasty FLU that is going around.

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