Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Health Insurance

Is a BiOATCH!!!!

It is so stupid that we work our butts off pay for health insurance and then "things" aren't covered or you get bills in the mail for things that should have been paid!

Wes was diagnosed with Cancer August 3, 2007. He has insurance thru his work that paid out 80/20. (20% adds up fast when you have cancer) We got married August 15th so I could put him on my insurance thru work and he would be DOUBLE covered. I AM STILL RECEIVING BILLS FOR CANCER TREATMENTS!! What the hell. Basically they paid out for six months of treatment except for one day! Really?!?! One day? 1.11.08 they seem to not be able to bill correctly or work with each other. UGH. I just got off the phone again and risk management ( who is the secondary insurance for Wes) has paid their part, I have the check numbers to prove it, but LINECO hasn't paid and they haven't signed off on their "write off".
It just pisses me off because Wes and I both work, I'm basically working for the insurance so we are double covered and we pay what needs to be paid, but these medical patients come walking in the hospital like we owe them something and in the end "WE" are paying for their health care, and their fricken cheerios!!!!
I know I'm ranting and I'm sorry, I am just so sick of dealing with bills from Cancer! I would like to close that chapter in my life and not have to re-live the financial part of it when I open the mail!!
Dealing with LINECO is a whole new cup of tea!
When Wes is working five dollars or something like that comes out each house to pay for health insurance. Then we still have to pay 20% of anything we have done at the doctor, or dentist. Lineco does not cover any preventive care, ie: my child's shots, or well checks. They also do not cover birth control. Basically they want you to get knocked up because they pay for anything and then your kid needs to be sick to be seen. Luckly we have double insurance because that 1st year you kid is born, they get A LOT of shots and they add up! It just sucks that we work to have health insurance, that is a lot more that a lot of people can say, and we are still having to deal with AHHHH.

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